Runner's Weave screenshot

Runner's Weave 3min software-controlled loop

Created for FOLDA Digital Run, where participants across Canada and beyond connected through Strava to virtually track their run or walk and had their activity data used as the foundation of the creation of new digital art.

When thinking about this project, I kept coming back to the "similar but separate" aspect, with so many people performing a similar action during a similar timeframe but separate from everyone else. I wanted the resulting piece to then bring the actions together in some unifying manner, ensuring that individual efforts were identifiable according to what they were, while maintaining a certain abstraction to help blend them together. Each bar is a single participant, where width is related to how long they ran/walked, length is their overall distance, animated speed is their pace, all arranged positionally around the screen as if the screen was an analogue clock. The result reminds me of a quilt, a virtual patchwork that only exists because people shared an activity at the same time.